Ecuavisa Ident Pack (Ecuador, país multicolor) from FILOH on Vimeo.

Winners! :D - 1st position in the contest "E-motion" of Pictosis, with "Diablo de Píllaro"

We decided to make 3 proposals of branding for Ecuavisa, the most important and influential Tv Channel of Ecuador, according to the needs expressed in the brief through fluid motion graphics and lots of colors!

1st position in the contest - Diablo de Píllaro (Devil of Pillaro): The goal of this dancer is to scare the crowd during the festivals celebrated between Day of the Innocents (similar to April Fool’s Day) and Carnaval (beginning of Lent).

Payaso (Clwon): One of the most common characters during the sun and equinox festivals.

Diablo Uma (Devil): Main character during the sun festivals (equinox and solstice) in northern Pichincha and southern Imbabura.


Directed by Filoh
Art: Gustavo Castellanos.
Motion Graphics: Carlos Aguirre, Daniel Montalvo, Anabel Uyana, Felipe Cevallos.
Sound Design: IZI Studios.
Production: Mauricio Navas.
